Calendar Settings allow you to decide what is the first day of the week displayed on the calendar, and also to set your venue’s opening times. You can also set up your public calendar and enable booking requests for your customers.
To go to the Calendar Settings, click Settings in the navigation bar then click on Calendar Settings.
In the Calendar Settings screen, you can set up the first day of the week and your venue opening times. When you change these, don’t forget to press Save Changes.
First day of the week #
The first day of the week affects the display of calendars in week and month view, including date selectors in the various forms in MyHallWizard.
Usual venue opening times #
The venue opening times default the display of the calendar in day and week views, and also restrict drop-down time selectors. Select the times that you usually select bookings. For example, and to use an extreme example for illustration, if you open at 09:00 and close at 11:00, your calendar would look like this (note the darker colouring outside the opening times)
More importantly, the drop-down fields when making a booking or booking request would look like this, meaning that you can save scrolling.
Venue opening times do not prevent you making bookings outside these hours. If you need to do so, simply click at the required time in the calendar to make the booking, or type the required time or end time directly into the fields. For example, if our venue has a booking at 12:00, simply type “12:00” into the Start Time field for the booking form.
Buffer period #
A buffer period is a set period of time which must be kept free between bookings to allow for the orderly changeover of groups or for cleaning, etc. During the buffer period, a room is not available to be booked even though there will not be anyone recorded as using it within your calendar.
For example, if you define the buffer period as 30 minutes, and have a Pilates Class booked in a room between 9am and 10am, it is not possible to book the room after 8.30am or before 10.30am.
Existing bookings are not affected by any new buffer period you define, except if you edit them and change the room booked or the times of the booking.