Sometimes you may have a contract with a regular customer who pays a set monthly fee for regular use of one of your rooms. For example, a nursery may hire a room every weekday morning and pay you a set fee each month.
The following instructions show how you could set this up in MyHallWizard to charge the regular fee but to show all bookings. In this example, we will handle the scenario of a group hiring a room every weekday from 9am to 2pm between 1 January and 31 December, with the fee of £2,500 being incurred on the 1st of each month.
- Set up a booking for the customer on the 1st January between 9am and 2pm, repeating Monthly until 31 December. Set the price to Agreed Price and enter the price of £2,500.
When you save this booking, you should get 12 bookings in your calendar, each charged at £2,500. These bookings will show on your invoices, charging the customer the correct fee.
If any of the 12 bookings are at the weekend, you may optionally edit the bookings to the Monday straight after the weekend, so that the room is available for others to book during the weekend. Whatever you do, do not delete any instances of this booking, because then the monthly fee will not be charged. - Once you have completed step 1, set up a booking for the customer on the 2nd January between 9am and 2pm, repeating every weekday until 31 December. Set the price to Do Not Invoice.
This booking will book out the room for every instance the group uses the room, but will not appear on invoices. If the weekday falls on the 1st of a month, the booking set up in step 1 will remain in your calendar, instead of the 1st January booking.