Overview #
Some venues may wish to display their calendar publicly so that visitors can see what’s on, or so that potential customers can see when rooms are free. You can either display the calendar from the MyHallWizard application or embed the calendar into your own website.
When someone views the public calendar, they are able to view the various bookings, but they are not able to change them or create new bookings. Private bookings show in the calendar as “Private Booking”. Public bookings show the booking name.
Clicking on a booking displays the booking name (or “Private Booking”), date and times and the rooms booked. For public bookings, the Details field is also displayed, so you can use the Booking Name and Details fields of your bookings to promote the event.
For privacy, no information from the customer record is displayed, and the Admin Notes field from the booking is hidden – this field is intended for your personal notes as a bookings administrator. However, when setting up bookings, be careful to use the Privacy setting of bookings appropriately, and do not include personally-identifiable information in the Booking Name and Details fields of public bookings unless you have permission from the person.

Enabling the Public Calendar #
The public calendar is switched off by default. But it is easy for the venue owner or a venue administrator to configure it. Simply click on Settings in the navigation bar then click on Calender Settings.
… then click Enable Public Calendar.

You are able to select the view the visitor will see when they first visit your public calendar, and also choose a colour theme for the calendar. The colour theme applies if you embed the public calendar into your website. Select the colour to match on your website design.
Once you are ready, don’t forget to click Save Changes.
The public calendar is now set up. You can visit it using the URL you set up. For example, in the screenshot shown above, the public calendar is available at https://app.hallwizard.com/wizard-halls. If you want to change the URL, please go to Venue Settings from your venue menu.
Embedding the calendar into your website #
The simplest way is to link to the Public Calendar URL from your website. However, you can also embed the calendar into your venue’s own website. Simply copy the HTML code shown on the screen into your own webpage.
If you use WordPress for your website, use an HTML block in the Gutenberg editor. Similarly, with online web designers such as Wix or Ionos, select an HTML block and paste the HTML code for the calendar into this.
Now when you view the webpage, you will see the calendar.
If you need help with embedding, please speak to your web designer.