MyHallWizard can manage the invoicing for your bookings in a number of different ways. You can either use our one-click invoicing feature to rapidly generate an invoice for a single booking, or you can generate invoices for multiple bookings, for example if you want to invoice monthly. In addition, we have our Uninvoiced Bookings Report which will show you which bookings have not yet been invoiced, and which integrates directly into the Invoices module.
MyHallWizard invoices give you the full flexibility to add, edit and remove lines from the invoice before they are sent. You can also send invoices out via email, or download as PDFs.
This article will explain each of these different functions.
Setting up Invoicing #
Before you can generate your first invoice, you need to set up Invoices and Payments. Read Setup Invoices and Payments for instructions.
Generating Invoices #
One-click invoicing #
One-click invoicing can be used to generate an invoice for a single booking. This is typically when you have created the booking and you want to send the invoice straight away.
When you are viewing a booking (for example, when you have created it, or by clicking on the booking in the calendar), if the booking needs invoicing, there will be a message in yellow at the top of the booking details, complete with an invoice button.

Click on the Invoice button to generate the invoice.
The invoice will be dated today, and use your standard payment terms period.

You can now send the invoice by email, download it as a PDF, or record payment against the invoice. See the instructions below.
Generating an invoice for multiple bookings #
If you want to include multiple bookings in your invoice, select Invoices in the navigation bar and then click New Invoice.

The New Invoice screen allows you to select the customer, the date of the invoice, the due date (this will default to standard payment terms based on the invoice date), and the period for which you wish to invoice. For example, if you want to create an invoice for the Philatelic Society for their bookings in September, you might set the form up like this.

Now click Generate Invoice, and the invoice will be generated with all the relevant bookings included on it.

Monthly invoicing cycle – recommended approach #
One problem with invoice generation is that it is not always clear which bookings are going to be included. Also it is not always clear which customers need invoicing for a certain period. The Uninvoiced Bookings Report has been developed to help with both these problems. If you invoice your customers monthly, we recommend using it to control your invoice generation, as it will save you time and frustration.
On navigation bar, click Invoices. Then choose Uninvoiced Bookings Report.

The Uninvoiced Bookings Report lists all bookings for a given period which have not yet been invoiced.

The default view is to show all bookings in the past which have not been invoiced, but you can change this using the dates drop-down. Select the period you want (e.g. Last Month) and click the Apply filters button to regenerate the report.

The report will now show you exactly which customers need invoicing and which bookings are going to appear on their invoice. Against each customer name there is an Invoice button, and clicking this will take you to the New Invoice screen. The Customer field is automatically filled in for you, and the date range is set based on the date range of your report.

Now, when you click Generate Invoice, the invoice is generated with the exact same bookings that were shown on the report.
Once you have reviewed and set the invoice, click the Close button on the invoice, and you will be routed back to the report ready to create the invoice for the next customer.

Reviewing and Sending Invoices #
When your invoice is first generated, it is in a Draft state. You should check the details on the report before sending it.
Adding, Editing and Deleting Invoice Lines #
Lines on the invoice can be edited quite simply by selecting the edit button () against the line.

This opens a small window on your screen that allows you to edit the details of the line.

It is important to realise that if you change the amount on the invoice, this does not affect the price recorded for the booking. This means that next time you generate an invoice for this booking, the balance to be charged will be shown. For example, if we change the above invoice line to £6, the next invoice for this booking will show the £4 balance. This is useful if you want to charge deposits, etc. See Deposits/Bonds for more information on managing deposits.
Similarly, you can delete an invoice line using the delete button (). Once again, deleting a booking from an invoice does not delete the original booking, but it will remain in the uninvoiced state.
Finally, you can add additional lines to the invoice using the Add Invoice Line button on the total line of the invoice. This allows you to add sundry items to the invoice, but it does not currently allow you to attach bookings to the invoice which were not included when it was generated (for this, you should delete the invoice, and generate it again with a different date range. If necessary, use the Unvoiced Bookings Report to guide you.

Sending an invoice #
Once you are happy with the content of the invoice, you can send it. There are three ways: by email, by downloading a PDF, or by clicking Mark as Sent.
Send by email #
At the top of the invoice, click the Send by Email button.

This will open up an email dialog,

You can edit the email before you send it, allowing you to personalise the message for each customer. A PDF copy of the invoice is automatically attached to the email when it is sent.
Note that the email is generated from a template. Read Setup Invoices and Payments instructions about how to change the template to meet your venue’s needs.
Once the email is sent, the status of the invoice is changed to Sent.
Downloading a PDF #
You can download a PDF of the invoice by clicking the Save as PDF button. This is useful if you want to print the invoice, or if you want to send an email using different software.

Downloading the email as a PDF does not change the status of the invoice. You should then use the Mark as Sent button to change its status.
Mark as Sent #
The Mark as Sent button changes the status of the invoice to Sent.
Deleting Invoices #
While an invoice is in the Draft state, it is possible to delete the invoice using the Delete button.

Deleted invoices remain in the system, and the invoice number is not re-used. At present, MyHallWizard does not give you the ability to see deleted invoices, though this feature will be added in the future. For now, if you need details of deleted invoices, please contact our Support Team.
Once an invoice is marked as Sent, the Delete option is removed. However, you can change the status back to Draft using the Mark as Draft button.
Getting Help #
Invoicing, by its nature, can ocassionally lead to difficulties and frustrations. If you get stuck or need help at any point, please contact our Support Team, who will be able to resolve any difficulties you experience.